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  • Writer's pictureMichael Padilla-Pagan Pay

A Whole New World (For Us, Not For Aladdin)

Folks let us look at the bright side to all of this. The air is cleaner, for starters. Emission-detecting satellite images show huge declines in pollution over major cities like Beijing, Los Angeles, New York and London. The canals in Venice are cleaner than they’ve been in decades. The world is hurting, but it’s healing at the same time.

We often hear the old adage that in challenge there is opportunity. In crises our minds are opened to new thinking and new ways of doing things we once thought impossible or too bold to imagine. We see examples of innovation all around, including pop-up COVID-19 drive-thru stations, online kindergarten instruction and teleworking on a massive scale.

I would assume also our appreciation of each other is deepening, our understanding that we must work together is heightened, and we see anew the beauty and sustaining quality of nature and the outdoors.

And so, let’s look at 6 innovations that could make life better.

Even as we grapple with the painful lessons of the present, let’s embrace the opportunity to make the future even better. As new ways of seeing our world and each other start to drive systemic changes, what innovations will fuel a better tomorrow?

Based on some of the early lessons, we can imagine a new future that includes the following:

Telemedicine. Insurance companies, regulators and much of the medical profession have resisted delivering care via video hookup. This pandemic is forcing a change in course. In-person doctor visits will always be part of treating patients, but reserving doctors’ offices (and waiting rooms) for the sickest patients, and seeing the rest via telemedicine, is a smart approach.

Telecommuting. Social distancing opened our eyes to the truth that many meetings can be done virtually and that we can be productive teleworking. Working from home reduces traffic congestion, improves air quality and increases family time. It has its challenges, but many people – including their bosses – are experiencing the advantages of leaving their work clothes in the closet and avoiding long commutes.

New ways of learning and preparing for the jobs of the future. Out of necessity, K-12 is being forced to embrace all-online education. Colleges and universities were already moving that way, but suddenly they are having to deliver all classes online. Given more time to plan, what can be put to use in the new world to come? How can we ensure no one is left behind?

Greater awareness of the vulnerable. We see more than ever how dependent we are on people who work in service jobs, living paycheck to paycheck or on tips. Our economy does not serve them well, but our society cannot function without them. Some wages are being raised in response, unemployment benefits are more generous, and suddenly paid sick leave is on the agenda. What structural changes can we make to give workers a more solid footing going forward? And will we finally get serious about solving homelessness?

Evolving views of technology. We’ve all heard the worries that we’ve become too reliant on technology and that “social” media is making us less social, displacing human interaction. But as social distancing has taken hold and we are separated from friends, relatives and colleagues, we are finding that technology at its best facilitates human interaction. It has enabled us to stay connected and even advance work and relationships. We also know that too many people in Africa and other places do not have access to broadband. They were already disadvantaged prior to COVID-19. How might technology continue to evolve from this experience, and how do we get everyone connected?

Trust in experts and data. We find ourselves hungry for information about COVID-19, but we also need informed insight into how people and governments are handling issues. For me, this is why I created ICESERVE24 as it is built on the conviction that accessible and trusted data are imperative in the development of informed solutions (even if we come to different conclusions about the best one.) A world in which facts matter is a better one.

These are just a few examples of how our world will change. I am sure this virus will change the world permanently. I know that we as humans will take the lessons already learned, and the lessons still to come, and generate innovative solutions to drive the world forward.

We may not realize it, but the new thinking we employ today and the once impossible solutions that have become routine are the first steps to building a brighter future for world.

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